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As we approach religious holidays,

As we approach religious holidays, regardless of our faith, it is important to reflect on how well we live by the divine mandates and how effectively we apply our philosophical principles.

During this season, we are given an opportunity for self-evaluation, a chance to revisit the core beliefs that guide our lives. We must ask ourselves how faithful we are to the divine commands of our religion, and if we truly embody these principles in our daily existence, whether they are rooted in love, freedom, universality, or peace.

The same goes for our philosophical principles. It is our duty to recognize the ideals upheld by our principles and integrate them into our reality. We must evaluate our choices, behaviors, and the impact we have on those around us to ensure we are promoting the values we hold dear.

These holidays provide us with a time for reexamination, a moment of self-accountability, allowing us to see where we stand on our spiritual and philosophical journey and make necessary corrections and improvements. With this in mind, let us acknowledge and appreciate the value and blessing of these holidays, using these moments to seek internal transformation and contribute to the betterment of the world around us.


Με την υποβολή των στοιχείων σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα συναινείτε στην αποθήκευση και χρήση τους από εμάς δια την αποστολή σε εσάς ενημερωτικών επιστολών. Δεν θα γίνει χρήση των παραπάνω για κανένα άλλο σκοπό. ​

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Supreme Council 33º for Greece AASR


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Supreme Council 33º for Greece


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