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5886/2013 ΕΤ ATH ( 636270) 


(D/NH 2014/1046) Association of persons without legal personality. Proportionate application of the provisions concerning unions, except those that require legal personality. The member who was expelled illegally can ask the court to cancel the decision to delete him. Masonic Union. The challenged decisions on the removal of the plaintiff from his office and the election of new members were illegal, due to non-observance of the procedures of the current General Regulations and were rightly annulled. The plaintiff's right was not abused. The appeal is dismissed. (Note by Athanasiou Kritikou, in Decree 2014/1046).

The Goddess Athena Justice

Με την υποβολή των στοιχείων σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα συναινείτε στην αποθήκευση και χρήση τους από εμάς δια την αποστολή σε εσάς ενημερωτικών επιστολών. Δεν θα γίνει χρήση των παραπάνω για κανένα άλλο σκοπό. ​

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Supreme Council 33º for Greece AASR


Scottish Rite Building Athens

Floors: 4,5,6,7.

2 Sourmeli Str. - 10438 Athens Greece.


Mailing Address:

P.O.Box 8142

Postal Code: 10200 Athens Greece 


Grand Secretary Tel:    +30 2169002173


Gr. Comm.           Tel:    +30 693 2211521




Secretariat Hours: 17.30 - 20.00 Monday to Friday


Secretariat hours: 17.30 - 20.00 Mon - Fri.

Supreme Council 33º for Greece


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